I can’t believe that Holden is already 4 weeks. The time just continues to fly by! I still can’t believe how fast it goes! Yesterday we started trying to get him on somewhat of a sleep schedule, even though I know some people don’t agree. It would be really awesome if I could get a couple of decent blocks of shut-eye a night - it would really do a lot for my outlook on life! Apparently, it takes a few weeks to implement it, but after that he should sleep through the night in about two/three 4-5 hour blocks.
He did fairly well last night - he went down at around 9 and slept until about 1:45 - and so did I! Well, Rob attempted to wake me up and talk to me at one point I’m told, but apparently I wasn’t very cooperative! I must say, I was incredibly excited to get so much un-interupted rest! However, to my dismay he would only sleep for about an hour at a time after that. Then, I woke up at 5am for a feeding, and he would not go back to sleep. After letting him fuss it out for half an hour (that is THE WORST! Makes me feel sooo guilty), we both decided he was awake for the day.
We went downstairs and I settled us on the sofa. After about an hour of cuddling he decided he was hungry again, so I began nursing him to BBC World News… and awoke about an hour and a half later to Gordon Ramsey! How I managed to fall asleep sitting strait up, I have no idea… I guess sleep deprivation does that to a person! Thank goodness for the Boppy pillow, which thankfully kept him safe and happy in my arms and lap!
Anyway, this is why we need the sleep schedule; we all know it’s more for me than for him!