The Friday morning before Holden was born, I looked up rocking chairs on Craigslist and talked Rob into going and buying one, even though he had to work later that night. When we got home with the chair, Rob had to run and get something, I don't remember where or what. While he was gone, I got on the computer and was looking at everything that I felt we still needed: crib sheets, changing pad covers, a swing, a tummy mat or toys, etc. When he got back we had a conversation about all this stuff that we still needed, plus the fact that we still needed to paint his dresser that we had bought a few weeks previous at a charity shop.
I felt that we needed to get this stuff NOW, while Rob (understandably, as he had to work that night, plus the fact that I had woken up at around 9am) wanted to go on Sunday. I argued that if we (rather, he) were going to be painting on Sunday, then there might not be time to do both and I really wanted these supplies bought. After I pretty much had a freak-out, Rob dredged up his good-husbandness and agreed to go to Babies-R-Us & Target. Especially once I promised lunch at Taco Mac!
So, off we went. We went to Babies-R-Us and then we went to Target and bought all the extra stuff that I felt we needed. Then we went to lunch at Taco Mac where we got some food and Rob had a couple beers. I remember him looking at his beer list and commenting that he wanted to drink his last, I don't know, 12 beers or something before Holden came so that he would get to the next level. I'm pretty sure I said something like, "well, you have at least two weeks left, and really probably three or four because I know he's going to be late."
I don't remember what we did after Taco Mac, but probably the things that we always did before Holden: watched some TV, made a nice dinner, Rob probably took a nap and I probably read in the bathtub for an hour or two, and I know I cuddled Percy Cat because I have a picture. If only I would have know what the future held, I really would have made the most of those last few moments.
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