I cannot believe that Holden is 7 weeks old already! Every day he gets just a bit more aware of the world around him and it is so awesome! He is also growing up a storm! When we got back from the doctor’s office Monday, we found out his weight is 9lb 4oz! I couldn’t believe it!
So why were at the pediatricians you may ask? Good question. The short answer is, Sunday was mommy’s breaking point. The longer answer is, well:
For the past couple of weeks Holden has been sneezing a bit, and he has also been extremely fussy with so-bad-you-can-feel-them gas bubbles in his tummy. Anyway, flash forward to Sunday. We spent the whole day at my in-laws (well, I spent the whole day, Rob had to go into the rink at 2). Holden was grumpy for most of the day, his fussiness seemed to be getting worse over the past couple of days. It was nice to have someone else to hold him and comfort him, but at the same time as a mom you just want to be the one to do it every time he cries!
When I finally managed to pry him from Grandma’s grasp ;-) she drove us home. He cried on the way, but eventually we missed enough red lights for him to fall asleep. Then we got home and he, of course, woke up. And proceeded to cry and cry and cry, well, you get the idea. Then I cried and cried and cried. Not just because it pains me to hear him cry, but because I felt like crap: achey, neck hurty, throat hurty, dizzy, stomach crampy, nauseated. (Could it be sympathy pains you ask? Nah, nothing so awesome. I took myself to the doc on Tuesday and I just have sinusitis & gastritis.)
And of course, he would not go to sleep for the life of me: I nursed him, rocked him, walked him, sang to him. No dice, he was still fussing with wide open eyes. And I know he was overexcited and overtired from being out all day, but it was more than that. This was all that compounded with a hurting tummy. I felt so badly for my little guy, but finally I admitted defeat. I mean, I'll be the first to admit that I am not supermom and I can only rock him and walk him around for so long. I cuddled him against my chest, snuggled into the cozy-corner of the sectional, surrounded us with pillows and allowed myself to doze.
I feel ashamed to say that I passed out before him, but he eventually dozed with me for about an hour, and then woke up again with a vengeance when I tried to move him cus my back was killing and so I could get a snack (I was ravenous, breastfeeding does that to me). Mommy would get no snack or drink of water. My bawling almost resumed as well but luckily Daddy texted at just the right moment to say he was about to be on his way home. Hallelujah! After a changed diaper and some struggling a latch was successful and Holden quieted down while nursing.
Daddy got home soon after Holden finished nursing bearing grilled cheese and sprite for Mommy and a trade was made. While I ate, we discussed Holden’s fussiness & decided a trip to the pediatrician was in order. So Monday afternoon we made the trek to see Dr. Midani. Well, guess what? The sneezing is nothing to worry about; the fussiness and gassiness however... Colic! Yes, colic. The ailment that puts The Fear in all new mommies and daddies. And my baby has it.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised; according to my mother I had horrendous colic. Colic so bad that I would scream at the top of my lungs for hours on end. Luckily (thank goodness!) Holden's isn't that bad. He merely fusses for a few hours - worse in the evenings, of course- and has just a few screaming moments. It still really sucks. It really sucks that Rob works a lot of late nights... the time when he's worst! Go figure.
The doctor gave us some drops stronger than the Mylicon we'd been using and he got his first does this afternoon. I really (knock on wood!!) think it's working! At least, he was chilling & even fell asleep in his infant positioner while I wrote part of this with no screaming fit (well, till the shutter sound on my Nikon woke him up… oops!), most definitely an improvement. Also, he slept for 7 hours in a row last night. 7! And he actually napped today! I bet it’s a lot easier to sleep when you don’t feel like your tummy’s gonna explode! But will the good sleeping continue or is it just a coincidence? Only time will tell, but a mom can hope!
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